Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stewardship: God Gives

How is the stewardship of our time talent, and treasure related to the character and glory of God?
Jesus used all of his time talent and treasure to serve others while He was here on earth, so we should use all of our God-given time talent and treasure to serve others in His name.
What is the ultimate purpose of the spiritual gifts and treasure that God has given you?
The ultimate purposes for the God-given talents that we all have is to serve God and show others God's love with what we do with the rest of our lives. I should (and am trying) to base my future on what would serve and glorify God.
What is the difference between the Old Testament tithe and stewardship?
Tithe was required, and stewardship is encouraged.
How does the way you view and use your money reflect the condition of your heart?
What ever you love the most, you will spend your time talent and treasure on. I love dance, and I spend a WHOLE lot of time talent and treasure on dance. What you love in your heart of hearts will be reflected in your life with what you spend your time talent and treasure on. If you love money, you will pend your time getting money, you will exploit you talents to get money, and you will sacrifice your treasures for money.
How has tour view of money been challenged by this chapter?
I never though about how God gives us the money we have. God gives us the talents that earn us money. We cannot get it with out him, and He will only let us have it if He wants us to. I always thought it depended on how hard you work ect.
What does stewardship reveal about who or what you worship?
What ever or who ever your serve is obviously what your cherish or love the most. If you are a servant of money, then you worship money.
How are you using your time, talent and treasure? Do you need to repent and grow?

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