Monday, January 3, 2011

How Teenagers' Faith Practices are Changing according to Barna Group

This Article that I read called How Teenagers' Faith Practices are Changing was an interesting article about how today's teenagers' spiritual practices differ from the teenagers of only 12 years ago. The article's content did not surprise me much, I could have guessed most of the data myself and I'm only 18, however the message of the article was still sobering and saddening information, nonetheless. The only thing that took me by surprise was that research shows that attendance to group activities such as youth group and young life has risen in the past 12 years. This, as was explained to me, is because of the apparent popularity of 'Christianity', however this popularity is not referring to the REAL Christianity where Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with us, and where our personal time and energy is required of us. Therefore it would make sense that there has been a massive decline in scriptural reading, prayer, and small group attendance. Coincidentally these activities lead to a personal REAL relationship with Christ mentioned earlier. The most sobering line in the article was "Talking to God may be losing out to Facebook." This refers to the fact that teens are talking less to God and more to their friends through the computer. I can definitely see how this is happening. I am even guilty of it myself. This is a habit that has go tot change. Keeping up with friends is great, but obsessions are unhealthy and self destructive. God is much better for us!!!!!!


  1. Bayley, Thanks for your calling attention to the Barna Group's research from last July and for your interaction with it.

    I am surprised by your conclusion that you need to communicate on FB with friends less, and interact with God (prayer?) more. My Christian struggle seems more focused on relating to both God and neighbor.

    I have used the Barna Group research to highlight a new series of books in Faith Practices(r) on "Giving and Receiving Hospitality."

    If you would consider using and perhaps endorsing some of these books, then I would be pleased to send you free copies. If you go to my blog, then you can link to Amazon's "Look Inside" feature to explore.

  2. The link doesn't work. Here it is again:
