Thursday, March 31, 2011

Radical blog 1

!. Do i want satisfaction without sacrifice? Because i am lazy, satisfaction without sacrifice would be the easy thing to do, but i know that true satisfaction comes from hardship and sacrifice, so i want to be truly satisfied by sacrificing my life for Jesus.
2. What are we willing to give up to get true, abundant satisfaction? we are willing to give up time, which would be devoted to the word, and we would give up the mainstream teenage living. we would also give up our lives to Jesus so he can provide us with true happiness.
3. If Jesus requires all of us to relinquish all our lives in pursuit of His glory and desires, how do their lives change in terms of priorities?
their priorities are as follows: 1. God. God is THE ONLY priority.
What should be the center of our lives?
God. with him as the center, we will love others correctly and other things in life will be well organized the way they should be.
4. If we are dead to ourselves. who makes the decisions in our lives?
We give Jesus the control, and we have no control. He makes all the decisions in our lives.
5. Should we seek Christ in decisions such as where we go to college, what we wear, what we eat ect.? Why does it matter? What would that look like? We should not only seek him, we should let him make the choices for us. we should listen to the spirit as it is talking to us and telling us what we should do. it matters because he knows what is best for us, so we should listen to him. this would require lots of prayer and listening to the spirit. it would also require time in the word so we know what our guidelines for things like clothing are.
6. How do your attitudes toward our possessions reflect our relationship with Christ and our desire for His mission? How would our lives look if we sought to glorify Christ in the way we purchase and obtain possessions? Our attitude towards our possessions tells us where our hearts are. if we are obsessed with our stuff, then we can not love God with our whole hearts. our relationship with God is lacking if we are obsessed with our stuff.
7. What does it mean to carry your cross as a disciple of Christ? Are you living your life this way? to carry our cross means to live the life of Christ everyday. we are to live as Jesus did and try to do what Jesus did.
8. Will Jesus be your supreme joy, or will you forsake him for the fleeting pleasures of this world? Sometimes it is hard, but i will chose Jesus to be the supreme joy in my life

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