Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Waodoni People

The story about the Waodoni People is very touching because it is a story of God's love and forgiveness being manifested between two people with a tragic history together. One man killed the father of another man, but the son of the man who's father was killed, forgave the murderer. This showed me the extreme case of God's love in action. You hear about how you are supposed to forgive people no matter what sin they committed against you, and we take this lesson and keep it in the back of our heads, but if someone killed my mother or father, and I met the person who did it, I probably would not forgive the murderer. It requires knowing the command from God that we should show EVERYONE love and forgiveness no matter what sins they have committed, just like Jesus did for us. No matter what sins we commit, Jesus will forgive us. By doing this to others, forgiving them and loving them unconditionally, we can witness to others without saying anything. This reminds me of the quote by St. Francis of Asisi "Preach the gospel at all times, when necessary, use words."

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